3920 Bee Ridge Rd., Bldg. B, Ste., A, Sarasota, Florida 34233
phone (941)363-1370
e-fax (915)331-7897
From the west
-go down Bee Ridge Rd., heading east
-before the Bee Ridge and Sawyer Rd. intersection is a brick medical complex
-enter through Bee Ridge entrance (or take a right turn on Sawyer and enter first right entrance)
-drive in front of brick building look for Back in Motion Sign, park
-walk through passageway under Back In Motion, office is straight through passageway, Bldg. B, Ste. A
From the east
-go down Bee Ridge Rd., head west
-before Bee Ridge and Sawyer Rd. intersection is a brick medical complex
-enter through Bee Ridge entrance (or take a right turn on Sawyer and enter first right entrance)
-drive in front of brick building look for Back in Motion Sign, park
-walk through passageway under Back In Motion, office is straight through passageway